La Isla de los Sibaritas recibió a Pablo Naumann y Fernando Ramos. El ex gerente de RR.II. de Chandon y el titular de Send Foods en un programa divertidísimo. Los secretos para posicionar marcas y todo lo que querías saber sobre productos gourmet de exportación contados por dos especialistas.
Una hora de buena diversión que podés escuchar aquí
Dear Mr. Pablo Naumann
(this is a private letter fm Naumann to Naumann).
Sorry to bother you.
I am seeking to find my Naumann family relatives in Argentina.
The Naumann’s I am looking for, were a Jewish family fm a small village called Bisses near Frankfurt, they have left Germany before WW2 to Argentina.
The only information I have is that they were in the fur buiseness and had
a fur shop in a big city probably in Buenos Aires.
I thank you in advance for any help.
Eli Naumann.
Tel Aviv, Israel.